Advice please. Owning up to the Doctor

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    • #5428

      After years of taking this muck I am on 2 .5 x 30g tablets a day. This may seem little but i am stll constipated and find it so hard to get below this level. I have an appointment booked with my doctor who knows nothing of this, and i intend to own up and seek his help. Is this a good move? Thanks

    • #15636

      I was on the same dose and took the same action. Mine was sympathetic and helpful but a very slow taper is the only answer. I suppose it depends on your doctor.

    • #15639

      A lot of doctors are not informed about codeine addiction. Before seeing my current one, I saw a different one who just shrugged. I am on 2 x 30mg per day and I also suffer with endless constipation, so I know where you are. I tried to reduce to 1.5, but after 4 days I couldn’t go on, explosive diarrhoea. I put off owning up to the doctor, but I really think you have to, and I hope yours is helpful. Stay in touch. Roger

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