advise needed!!?

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    • #6855

      I’m just wondering if there is any professional help that remains anonymous, by this i mean they dont have to put it on your medical record?

      my partner has said he wants to stop using cocaine but is struggling to do it alone, the last time he sought help during lock down, they said that it would be on his medical record…. problem being, he is in the middle of a custody case which has cost thousands and hes afraid that it will all be for nothing and he will never see his children, if his ex finds out?

      any help would be appreciated, i’m clueless about this stuff and he’s even worse

    • #24046

      He needs to weigh up the options. If he doesn’t get clean and his ex finds out he’s using then that’ll probably cause more issues with custody than a medical record showing he’s getting help. I’d guess only help obtained through the nhs would show on his medical record? Have you asked any charities/support groups? Good luck

      • #24051

        well to be honest that was exactly my response.. atleast it shows you’re actually trying? but he wouldn’t go for it, possibly just another excuse but that’s why im trying to find a one he cant use excuses for… last one was a charity but for some reason they said it would still show…. thanks though i’ll keep looking.

    • #24050

      Hi diesel84,

      Welcome to the Forum, where there is loads of advice and people are very helpful.

      My first thought was surely if he is that concerned about his children then he would be trying to stop, but being the Mum of an addict myself, I know that it is not easy.

      I always thought that medical records was confidential information.

      There are people he can talk too, there is loads of on line zoom meetings, I think there may be even face to face meetings now as well. If he’s serious about giving up the cocaine then he will do something about it.

      I wish you and your partner well in your journey.

      Take care.


    • #24052

      ‘Turning point’ will keep it off his medical records I think and set him up with support

      TBH as long as he is keeping his job, not getting arrested and not using around his children there are very little child protection issues

      Social services can only step in if he uses when the children are in his ‘Care’

      • #24054

        Thanks everyone, i will try turning point.

        he did stop for a good while, but then his custody fell through again (nothing to do with drugs) and he started again, it seems to be his go to at stressfull times, now he says its like starting over again…. he always works, never misses a day, sleeps all night and never borrows money.. so i’m hoping he will get a handle on it before it goes too far again. I only noticed this time because i caught him lying and i know that’s when its a downward spiral.

        thanks for the help much appreciated

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