Alcohol and depression

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    • #32728

      I have found that over the past 18 months I have been drinking alcohol everyday and more on weekends.

      I have had an issue with alcohol, depression and anxiety and controlling anger for at least 20 years.

      I am finding it hard not to drink alcohol every night and I am losing friends and family members due to my continued drinking.

    • #35245

      It’s important to consider seeking help from healthcare professionals or support groups specializing in addiction and mental health. They can provide guidance, resources, and strategies to help you overcome these challenges.

      • #35279

        Additionally, exploring alternative approaches to managing stress and emotions might be beneficial. While I can’t endorse specific websites, there are various resources available like this one that can provide information on different coping mechanisms and techniques. If you’re interested, you can search for reputable sources online or consider speaking with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

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