Alcohol dependant?

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    • #6901

      My partner of 7 years has always struggled with cannabis. Last year he decided he was going to cut down and he has. He hasn’t given up but he has hugely cut down and I am so proud. I always knew he liked a drink but recently found out he doesn’t go a day without. On a day off I can see him pacing/purposely sleeping in so that at 12 he can have a drink. He drinks on his own. He only has around 4 singles or 2 doubles a day but I worry about the when, where and why, not the amount. Is anyone else going through this? I hate that he is dependant

      On it and can’t do anything after work or at the weekend without having a quick one first. He doesn’t drink in front of me either but I would rather he did as at least it wouldn’t be a mystery!

      Am I worrying too much? He isn’t going through much alcohol (absolute maximum a litre bottle a week – spirits). It’s affecting me physically now. I’m shaken, my stomach is always in knots and I dread weekends now too as I know he’s waiting for midday.

      Any advice is welcome. Do I just let it go? Or should I be asking him to cut down?

    • #24547

      My husband has always smoked cannabis since I’ve known him over 10 years. When I met him I didn’t know but he told me a few weeks in. It wasn’t something I worried about i just thought Its to not to do with me and I knew lots of people did it, I thought it was something people did to enjoy. However over the years I’ve learned that it is something he’s used to deal with stress so as times gone on he’s been trying other things for the same purpose cocaine, MDMA and now alcohol. Now every day he smokes cannabis and can drink more than what I would say is a reasonable amount and cocaine almost every day. If you are at an early stage and you think you can help it might be worth seeing if you can get any help for the root cause of it, would he be open to trying counselling or meditation for whatever stresses or anxieties he is self medicating for. If I could turn back time that’s what I would have tried before it got so bad with my husband.

    • #24551


      Thanks for posting. I’m sorry that your partner’s drinking is causing you such worry. If you would like to get some support please contact us at Icarus Trust. We are a charity that supports people having to deal with addiction in their family. perhaps talking with one of our experienced and trained people would help to answer some of your questions and see a way ahead.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best.

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