Alcohol, drugs and mental illness

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    • #6645

      Hi everyone. I am at the end of my knowledge. My friend has been put on medication and therapy about 8 months ago but is continuing to drink and take speed regularly.

      She knows it’s bad for her, she has had several episodes already and I just don’t know how to deal with this anymore. We can always have normal, regular conversations but it is doing something to me to see her drinking even tho she’s aware of the dangers. Any advice? Thank you


    • #22613

      hi jules,

      Mental health on its own is a battle, unfortunately a lot of the time alcohol and drugs walk hand in hand. I know as I suffer from this, at the end of the day all you can do is be there for her and be a good friend like you are being. Just keep doing what your doing even though its hard on you. well done you, she is lucky to have a friend that cares as much as you do.

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