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    • #7361

      I feel so alone right now. He has again been drinking. We are now at almost every night. My brain is telling me to leave but I have loved this man for over 40 years and when he is sober he is a different person. But he is more often drunk than sober nowadays. He spoke to our gp after Christmas and was referred to mental health and then on to a charity. He has been promised he is on a list for therapy but nothing has happened and he now feels it was a waste of time. I spoke to someone at a different charity tonight who has given me a number for him to call and promised he will get 1:1 help but I am not even sure he will even call and have the same conversation again. I am tired of the arguments and the promises. It’s like we are in a loop. Drink – argue – sober up – apologise – promise to stop – drink ……….. I just need someone to talk to who understands

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