Alcoholic husband lost his dad

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    • #7567

      I actually don’t know where to start, my husband has been a alcoholic for a couple years, recently this landed him in hospital with his kidneys, he said this was his wake up call, unfortunately just over a week later he turned back to the drink, and it got steadily worse till I had to go to my parents as I couldn’t take the arguments and the drunken threats and behaviour. My farther in law lived with us and while I was say they had many arguments about the drinking, then unfortunately one night last week my husband found him dead on the sofa, he rang me and i came back to help him and try get us back on track, it has got him hard which is understandable but the drinking is getting to much again, me and his friends are trying to help and get him to get professional help. It’s at a point now my 4 year old says daddy has drank to much, I don’t know how much more stress I can deal with as I am trying to take care of two kids, be there for my husband, keep money coming in to pay bills, also on a side note my husband hasn’t been work in nearly a month so facing getting fired.

    • #29819

      Would he go to an aa meeting? You can go on them on zoom. He doesn’t have to share anything but even just logging on is a good first step.

    • #29820

      I’ve been trying to get him to give it a go but his is convinced it wont help, he is getting more and more depressed l, trying in vain to get him to see a doctor.

    • #30093

      So sorry to hear you are going though this as my other half lost his dad which kickstarting his drinking along with a stressful job.

      I know how you feel too as I also have children involved and find it all too much sometimes.

      I can’t bear seeing cans etc and feel so angry when I see them piled up ????????‍♀️

      • #30095

        Yes the pile ups, but won’t throw them away themselves. Unfortunately he ended up having another fit, currently in hospital, says he is definitely done this time.

    • #30099

      Oh no!!! I really hope things improve for you.

      My other half stopped for a year but started again and back to 6-10 beers a night ????

    • #30101

      Oh no Sorry to hear that, any chance of him going AA? My husband is going to get tablets that stop the craving, think they are only available from certain organisations/ help groups

    • #30184

      Out of hospital and straight back on the booze. ????

      His been told next time he ends up in hospital he will just go right to rehab. The doctors said they have referred him to a a support group and could be 5 days before the contact, I said if you are struggling now reach out first.

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