Alcoholic husband walked out on Xmas day

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    • #7190

      Hi all

      A bit about me married for 19 years . And a 12 year old daughter

      My husband started drinking after my daughter was born got worse over the years

      We moved abroad and then he returned during COVID and I joined him 5 months later to find that he has got a lot worse . Living with his mother

      We got a place together and then he was there a night or two moved back to his mother

      He asks fo be with me then Xmas morning decides to leave me all alone

      Our daughter is still abroad knowing I’m on my own he just walked out and not come back

      I’ve packed his stuff up but he won’t come get it . What the hell

    • #26397

      He also has lost his license for 1 year due to drunk driving

      The cocaine packets all over the house while our daughter was little

      The drunk driving smashed 2 cars up

      Police turning up at my house embarrassing

      He is a good person when not drinking hard working

      Yes be left so many times just to return to him

      Why can’t I just walk away

      I’ve now found myself a job where I can look after my daughter

      We have had a successful business nice cars lovely home. Now i am sleeping on a floor alone in a horrible flat that stinks

      If drinking wasn’t on the top of list we will not be in this situation his business would be good he be on top of our finances

      I’ve lost everything spending the holiday season all in my own

      Our daughter has been privately educated now she will be sleeping on a floor and no school to go to

      I am not even sure if it’s the drugs drink or both

      I’m so confused and sad that he is just walking away from our life

    • #26402

      I understand how sad you must be that he has left. I wondered if he feels as sad; I doubt it. You will feel awful however it will get better. Your life after an addict will be far better than with one. Stay strong and make tiny steps to a great future.

    • #26403

      He has turned up here asked to stay get clothes

      I couldn’t say no told him to stay next day he got up and took a bag but most of his stuff still here

      New Year’s Day he txt saying he had horrible night can he please come I said no

      I feel bad now

      I know I have to set rules for my own sanity

      I don’t want to push him further away

      I think he wants us but don’t want to hurt us

      Shall I be a bit patient with him give him time I don’t want my daughter to grow up without her dad

      I’m so afraid of him really getting so bad

    • #26404

      He says he loves me says he doesn’t want to hurt me no more so why can’t he just stop and be a family

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