Alcoholic mother – loss of mental capacity

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    • #6277

      I am looking for advice.

      My mother is an alcoholic. She has been dependent on alcohol for about 17 years now, and about 1 year ago began to show signs of loss of mental capacity. She is now at the point where she can no longer drive, take care of herself (washing, eating) or retain short term memories. She suffers with depression so won’t accept help and does not believe she can get better, let alone think she is deserving of help. She won’t leave the house or answer the phone. She spends every day in bed, drinking. She drinks approximately 6 bottles of wine a day, sometimes more on bad days. She barely eats.

      I cannot seem to get support from her GP. He won’t prescribe anti-depressants due to her alcoholism, won’t refer her for a mental assessment because of her alcoholism, yet she won’t stop drinking because of her depression and because she doesn’t have the capacity to do so.

      She’s been referred twice to an alcohol & drug addiction service which she won’t attend or answer calls from.

      I don’t know where else to turn? It seems absurd that there is so little support for somebody in her position?

      I understand that somebody needs to WANT to get better to accept support, but surely when somebody does not have the mental capacity to seek help action needs to be taken?

      My brother and I are wearing thin trying to take care of her whilst managing our own lives and I feel we’re at a dead end. I don’t know what to do. I’m just watching her slowly die.

    • #19713

      What an awful situation

      Really at this stage, a detox and rehab is the only option

      Have you looked into this where you are located?

    • #19723

      Have you tried any crisis teams? The GP needs to review her and potentially look at a referral to mental health services. But also has anyone assessed her capacity though? Because this would need to be done before assuming she lacks capacity. It’s a difficult situation and it’s so hard when it’s a vicious cycle

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