Alcoholic parent

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    • #4079

      Throughout my childhood I grew up with an alcoholic mother, at the time everything seemed normal? I though I was part of a normal family, however when I grew older I knew this wasn’t the case. My mum drank heavily for years an eventually ended her and my dad relationship, this of course only made her worse, my mum sadly passed away not long after, I now feel I have the strength to help other people as all I ever wanted was someone to talk to who was in the same situation.

    • #7978

      Hello Nicola… know you posted a while ago so I am hoping you will be notified of this comment.

      My Mother is still alive although I fear not for much longer. Like you I was always aware of my parents drinking every evening… as Mum got older she seems to have drank more and I noticed it became a problem around 8-9 years ago. She now cannot function without alcohol in her body. If she spends any time without it she gets withdrawal symptoms. All her benefits go on drink and cigarettes. I haven’t spoken to her since the beginning of December. Even knowing she was on her own for Christmas. I did get my Husband to take her presents and cards from us and the children and not even received a card for her grandkids… not even a thank you text, nothing. I am angry – as I have always been expected (by her) to be there as and when she wants… and I cannot do it. I know she is liasing with an alcohol nurse (whom she has on and off for the past 3-4 years) so I know she will never get better. I don’t think she wants to really… just over a year ago she was diagnosed with bowel cancer – most probably caused by the vodka and gin binges and no food. They had to stop chemotherapy treatment not long after surgery as I informed them of the severity of her drinking…

      She has had mini-detox’s in hospital when she has been admitted with severe-dehydration and when she had surgery but has always gone back onto the drink full time. I don’t know what to do. I am not in contact with her – I cannot cope with her demands when I am – I have a young family to look after myself. But I am also feeling anxious as what if she dies before I get chance to have a clean relationship with her?! I will only do this once she is sober…

      Thank you x

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