Alcoholic Partner says this time he will Stop.

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      Been with my partner for almost 4yrs, living together 2. I knew he liked a drink but he kept it very quiet that he drank daily, including all day on his days off work.

      After we moved in I saw how bad it was. He was drinking beers, wine, and spirits constantly. We were mid-20’s and I liked a drink too, but I swiftly stopped drinking altogether and he said he would cut down.

      He has definitely done that. He switched to just a few beers or wine a night, only having spirits on weekends. He’s tried to cut down even further but failed, and will not get help elsewhere. He drinks alone in the flat every night.

      One night he got hammered, fell on me when I was sleeping in bed, and when I was asking wtf he was doing he started telling me to get out the room and swearing. I’d never seen him like that and was going to leave him. He then said he would stop spirits altogether and cut down loads.

      For months he didn’t touch spirits, and he still doesn’t drink them when I’m there, but he will when I’m not. I visit my mum once a month in another town, and stay the night as she’s kept a room for me/my bro when we visit. He always drinks a bottle of spirit when I’m gone.

      Tue night he woke up and was sick red wine all over the bed. I had work in 3hrs and I have trouble sleeping. I made us change the entire bed and we both had showers. He was very apologetic but I said “No, don’t say sorry, go and see a Dr and get help.”

      He wouldn’t do that, but last night he bought absolutely loads of none-alcoholic drinks. He had a few and then had one glass of red before bed. He says he will definitely cut down little by little until he stops.

      I am going to give him 2 months as that’s the time it will take me to save up a deposit for a flat, so I can get out if nothing changes.

      He decided to quit smoking a few months ago and did it with ease so I do feel there’s hope. As most people really struggle with that.

      Just needed to vent. If interested I will keep you posted. I can’t go to any alanon meetings as I work when they are on. So I’m just joining forums and trying to get as much info as possible.

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