Alcoholic Wife

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    • #6732

      My wife’s drinking has gotten out of control in the last two years. She has gone from a functioning alcoholic to being off work for the last nine months. She has been to rehab and A&E five times since Christmas.

      She drinks at home in our bedroom and the kids notice. It got so bad that I had to take them to their grandmothers. Social services finally got involved but when they came my wife accused me of abusing her. Something I’ve never done. I got taken to a police station. She has previously hit me when I tried to take her wine away.

      I’m so conflicted. I love my wife but I’m so scared and angry with her. She seems to squander ever opportunity to get better and I don’t know how I can ever trust her.

      My kids are withdrawn and missing school as we can’t be at home right now.

      I feel so alone

    • #23171

      Hi Docbriank,

      Welcome to the Forum, a great place to share your story and chat to other people in similar situations.

      My heart goes out to you, it sounds an awful situation for you and your children to be in. How old are your children if you don’t mind me asking? Such a shame they can’t be at school at the moment, the routine would probably do them good.

      I am the Mum of an addict (alcohol and cocaine), although doing well at the moment I have lived with him in the not so good times.

      I think you need to just concentrate on you and your children, they need some kind of stability in their life, and at the moment that’s all on you, which is hard when you have the worry of your wife too.

      Keep in touch on here and please know you are not on your own, take care.


    • #23172

      My kids are 8 and 6. And they have a better sense for when my wife is drinking than I do

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