Alcoholic Wife

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    • #7030

      Hi everyone one, new to all this group stuff but I’m at a point where I cannot cope anymore, My wife has been an alcoholic for the last 2 years she’s been in rehab twice which has cost money we haven’t got, both times she’s relapsed within days. we have 2 young boys and they are starting to see what is going on even though I’ve tried my hardest to hide it from them. I just don’t think she want to stop and I just find myself shouting at her, like today for instance we where supposed to being going out for lunch with family but I take my younger son to football and I asked her not to drink and she promised she wouldn’t but when I got back she was drunk and asleep, so I had to cancel and the boys where upset that they couldn’t see family. I just don’t know where to turn or what to do, The amount of time I’ve found her passed out in our allotment or in the garden, she even fell down the stairs last Thursday and cut her head badly I had to take her to hospital. ( sorry for the spelling and punctuation) I’m shaking just typing this.

    • #25082

      I’m so sorry that you’re going through this, it sounds awful. I have this with my son, but it’s heroin, and have come to the conclusion that loved ones have little control or influence over what happens. It’s not their fault, if they could solve it right now I’m sure they would. No one chooses addiction. But you need to prioritise you and your children and get counselling around how you best do that and also not let it become a secret that prevents you from getting support from friends and family. Famanon and Drugsfam will also be able to help.

      This forum is amazingly kind and supportive. Just knowing someone else understands what you’re going through makes this less lonely.

    • #25099

      Hi Scotty,

      So sorry to read your post and see what you are going through due to your wife’s alcoholism and how its affecting your family.

      I work for a charity called Icarus Trust. We offer support to people like you who are dealing with addiction in their family. We know how tough this is and we have specially trained and experienced Family Friends who you could speak with if you think it would help.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best to you and your family.

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