Angry,annoyed and ready to turn my back on my son!

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    • #4541

      My son has just about lost me for good! I’ve supported him fif over 5 years.taken him to appointments, championed his recovery, praised him when he was doing well and stopped enabling him.he lost his last job after being there for a year…he was doing really well, then just ould t resist and went straight back on the drink,and drugs. That lasted for 3 weeks,and during that time I had no contact with him. As per usual he got his shit together and has been in work for 3 weeks….he got paid today, and I received a call from a friend saying he was pissed..I want to erase him and his hellish lifestyle away, but it’s always there..I’m so angry with him, cause I know he won’t go to work tomorrow,and will loose his job…he’s on bail for missing fine payments,and no doubt will end up back inside….I don’t have the strength to put up with his shit any more…..

    • #9443

      I know the feeling! I have a brother I have been supporting for years. Recently lost his home as he gave it up for his girlfriend to live with her & relapsed got remanded in custody for her having to report his behaviour. I went to court & saved him once again by giving my address for him to stay temporary. Only he struggles to get a home & 3 months later is still at mine. To top it after making good progress come back tonight out of his face on drink, verbally aggressive because I wouldn’t let him in in that state. Police were called & now he is feeling tough love as he is on streets tonight because he has nowhere to go. I am not able to sleep as the thought of it destroys me! He just won’t learn!!! I have to make a decision tomorrow as I need to put myself first & I can’t cope with it any more!!!!!! ????

    • #9453

      Just wanted to say I feel so sad for you. Keep strong!

    • #9454

      My daughter has gone back on herion I cannot cope anymore this has been going on for 15 years.
      I have asked her to leave .
      I have moved to get her off drugs I dont know where to turn . Help

    • #9478

      I feel your pain Sherry, I too have a daughter on heroin and other things for 15 years now. I am trying to work on myself so that I can get through the days. Look after yourself.xx

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