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    • #7306

      Hi. We are struggling to cope with our 32 year old sons cocaine addiction . He has had all our money to pay dealers etc . Lost his home and now back living with us . Tried so many treatments . Works for a couple of weeks then back on it . My husband does not want him living with us anymore as he just tells is lie after lie . We feel we can’t cope with it anymore but don’t know where to turn . Any advice please

    • #27274

      Hi Treasure, welcome to the forum- everyone here has a loved one with addictions so people understand what you’re going through.

      If you click the “Theresa ” thread below your story, there’s a group of us mums, all with sons at different stages in their addiction.

      It helps to read the thread , and the mums are all so supportive of each other.

      Cocaine is such an evil drug, it lures them in, and takes over their lives, turns them into people you don’t know.

      The forum homepage offer advice and support also the Icarus trust posts here too.

      My 29yr son has cocaine and alcohol addictions, the alcohol is a trigger for cocaine. About 2 years ago he was about to lose everything, job, house car, a mountain of debt, dealers at his door, it was a living nightmare.

      He was ready to seek support.

      He joined AA and CA groups, worked the 12 step program, got a sponsor and met others in the same position. But he also met others who were in recovery offering advice and support.

      He had a few relapses but to date he is 8 months + clean and helping others now.

      Every day is a battle, but it’s easier to support them when they’re trying hard. Please look after yourself in the meantime and just be there for him when he’s ready to accept help.

      Take care, stay in touch here.


      • #27276

        Thank you for replying . I will try to remain positive . Not really sure how the forum works . Looked for Theresa thread but not there ????.

    • #27275

      Thank you for replying . Feel so alone in this and my lovely son is now so nasty . I know this is the drug doing this and is now holding on to yet another job by the skin of his teeth . Will try to remain positive but everyone he associates with to takes cocaine ????

    • #27277

      You’re welcome Treasure.

      My son had to stop seeing his friends, and anyone who might trigger him to drink then use.

      So hard for them, but he has made some good friends through the fellowship and they organise weekends with activities regularly.

      Click the above “share your story ” there was a recent response on it. It’s a long thread, but when you read through it, you won’t feel so isolated- everyone is so kind and understanding.

      Stay strong, enjoy the simple things in life, be kind to yourself.

      Sending hugs of support


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