Any advice please?

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    • #5053

      My Dad has an alcohol addiction he until recently was drinking upto a litre of whiskey per day he is currently in hospital. My dad has been admitted quite a lot over the past few months with one thing after another & albeit at that time his consumption was not as great as it has got to before this admission. Previous treatments seen my Dad having vitamin drips & diazepam & his withdrawal symptoms subsided pretty quickly. However this time the same treatment has not worked & if anything he seems worse than what he was when he first went in he is now on his 6th day without alcohol his tremors are severe and they have had to up his diazepam. Will he recover from this? He can hardly eat or drink or do other basic tasks, I am frightened for him.

    • #11303

      Hi Pjay

      So sorry to read your post about your dad’s withdrawal symptoms which must seem really scary. It’s very tough for you so please contact us at The Icarus Trust if you would like some support. We are a charity helping people like you deal with the impact of another person’s addiction, and have a team of experienced people, one of whom could be assigned to you to listen, answer your questions and help you to find help.

      You can contact us on or visit the website

      Good luck to you and your dad.

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