Any advise please….

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    • #4618

      Hi, I have never posted any comment on this kind of site before but feel I really need the help for me as a mother and for my son (29).
      I will keep my story brief, I found out that my son has a heroin addiction about 2 years ago, his addiction is 4 years on but I didn’t know until 2014. He lives with me and my parents and is from a really good home. We supported him, went to all the usual places and got him on a subutex programme which seemed to do the trick. He has (unbeknown to me) has several lapses and gone back to heroin several times in recent months. I don’t know how to help him further,, he lies, steals and covers his tracks so well that I have have to turn detective every day, I go through his room, confront him get lied to again and the worse of it is that I have no one to turn to. My parents are in their 70’s and think he is taking subutex and getting the help he needs. This is not the case and I am the only one who knows the truth. If I tell them, my dad will ask him to leave, my dad is also my sons employer so he will lose everything. Is anyone else battling with their thoughts or can anyone give me any help. I am at my wits end. I drug test him at home, he gives me negatives and now I have discovered his pee in bottles which he pours into my testing pot which he knows is clean as he has recently used. I am in tears as I read this back because I do not know what to do. Thanks for reading this, hope you can help x

    • #9651

      Please contact the Icarus Trust a charity that supports families and friends of addicts. You could talk with one of our experienced trained volunteers who might help you to be able to see what to do.
      I hope that this helps and that you find some support for yourself as its really hard what you are going through.
      You can contact us on or visit the website
      Good luck.

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