Any help

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    • #32733

      Hi, I’m a 39 year old male who’s been on Methadone maintenance for 9 years, & one of the biggest reasons for not reducing my dose is the lack of support,

      I don’t really associate with any friends, I just keep myself to myself & pretty much dedicate my life to making sure my 7 year old is happy & healthy,

      I haven’t really had any support from my keyworker & I probably only saw him 5 times in the last year despite me meant to have a fortnightly appointment with him, but today I met my new keyworker who seems ok & he was an ex user himself, but it also makes me a bit stressed as I don’t want anything forced on me like a forced reduction plan etc.

      The last couple of months I have reduced my dose 1mg & then 1 month later 2mg, so 3 in total & this was my first reduction in 9 years & I did this without the support of my keyworker so even though its a tiny amount, it’s atleast progress, & I feel like I need support more now then ever, not only because I have a new keyworker & will be seeing a completely new Dr next month on the 6th, but also because just over a year ago I had a massive heart attack & was rushed to hospital where I had 2 stents fitted, & I’m now on 9 different heart medications which I’ll have to take for the rest of my life, & worse still, the hospital didn’t know what caused it but it was more likely lifestyle & stress which I suffer from hugely especially as I have very bad depression which is also being medicated for, so I need to be very careful with managing my stress levels,

      If someone could reply & let me know if this is a good place for advice & support, that would be greatly appreciated, & if anyone has any links to other helpful things online or other forums I’d greatly appreciate that aswell.

      It use to be easy finding forums years ago but now hardly any come up when I type drug help forums, & even this website was hard to find.

      Anyway thanks for reading this.

    • #32754

      You’ve done brilliantly to get this far, really sorry to hear about your heart issues, that sounds very frightening.

      You will get lots of support here but for more informed advice you might be better off going to Reddit and searching on the subreddits – these are individual forums focused on specific issues, with their own communities. There is the main subreddit for Methadone with 29,000 members, which comes up if you search ‘methadone’.   There are other groups around opiate recovery, you just need to search within Reddit.

      Good luck x

    • #32773

      Well done on the progress you’ve already made, and I’m sorry you feel like you arent getting the support you need. I agree with the comment above, reddit it great for advise, normal forums like this don’t seem to have the numbers these days so it’s harder to speak to people, but reddit has the numbers.

      It’s great you are reaching out for support and making effort to get that, I hope you find what you are looking for and wish you good health and happiness for the future. Take care x

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