At a loss

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    • #5407

      Hi, don’t know where to start. I’m 40, single parent with gorgeous twins, no siblings and both my parents are alcoholics. They are elderly and miserable living together but because of financial reasons won’t separate. My mum has tried to overdose twice and tonight they actually went for each other to the point a where my mum went for a knife. She panicked and called the police. I got a call left my kids with their dad and ran to the house. Thank God the police where so understanding and didn’t lift them as long as I stayed tonight and call social services in the morning. They are also going to call them. I work part time and help out as much as I can. I feel so guilty and at a loss what to do. I’m worry constantly, angry and sad at the same time. When I feel miserable I feel guilty too.

    • #13695

      Basically your parents are the alcohol addicts and you’re saying they get violent when drunk…?

      Must be really hard as your their only child and I’m guessing all the burden is on you .. you must be worried for them all the time .

      1st of all I personally think your parents should separate if they Crnt control their addiction because them living together isn’t helping them.

      Could you not keep your mother to stay nights with you so you can keep them apart . The alcohol addiction might not go that way but it may decrease the limit of Alcohol they consume and the cut down the risks.

      Sorry to say but they might just end up killing one another.

      Have you tried to get professional help for them both?

    • #13700

      Hi I hate your going through hell I feel it too

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