At my wits end

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      so my now ex is on crack he’s been using for about 17 months this is his first time on drug. It’s had devastating consequences for it feels like only myself and children. I occasionally allowed him to stay as he’s homeless and I’m trying to support him in the sense of hopefully getting him off it. My home was raided on one of my children’s birthdays and they found a very small amount of something, no arrest was made but now the council are involved and social services i feel im being attacked at every angle. I’ve never felt so low and lost in my life. My first priority is my children of course but I’m finding it hard to turn my back on him as our relationship was almost 20 years and this is the first anything like this has happened granted it’s huge. But I know somewhere still is that decent person and I feel if I turn my back he’ll be in a body bag. But I’m being threatened at every turn by the council and social services. They seem to think they know him better then I do, saying my kids are at risk they aren’t i would never put them at risk my kids are never alone with him I’m always there. I just don’t know what to do. I feel I’m being punished for something that isn’t my fault.

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