At the end of my tether

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    • #6113

      Sorry this is going to be long, I have a daughter that has mental health issues, asd, drug addiction, alchol addiction and constantly self harms, threatens sucide, been sectioned numerous times.

      We had to throw her out because of the things she has done in the family home, she has been abusive and trashed our house and also threatened to kill herslf in font of the children so we had a telephone call off ss and told them they would not be seeing her.

      Since then she has been to the house several times, tried kicking our door in we had her arrested this happened several times.

      The thing is it has absolutely ground me down, we have had a good run and now it has started again, I am convinced she is using again, this evening she has cut herself again, I cannot hack it after years of all this stuff I have brushed her off I am so god dammed angry, everytime she takes something because she feels depressed then it all starts, I do not have much sympathy left now just anger pure anger, this has happened so many times I cannot deal with it anymore. Again this evening she has theatened to kill herself I have ignored it, again this has happened numerous times and when I telephone the emergency services she tells them she is fine they go away and that is how it ends, I honestly honestly cannot do it I feel like she has put me through hell and back, I have lost so much eright through stress but I have other children to look after, how do I not think about this how do I become hard to it all?

    • #18650

      Sounds like she desperately needs help, and I would please urge you never to ignore someone who is suicidal regardless of whether you consider the threat to be just that. It’s usually the people that make the threat that carry it out because it is on their mind alot.

      Does she have a dual diagnosis worker in the community? What drugs is she taking? Where is she living at the moment?

      I can imagine that you’re at the end of your tether and that the anger is helping you to cope, however there really is no way to detach from this because she is your daughter.

      You can access support from here and Al Anon, also practice lots of self care for YOU.

      Police can do welfare checks if you’re worried but also can assess her mental health by a doctor at the station. Please don’t think because she makes threats she wouldn’t carry it out. In her own way she is suffering immensely.

    • #18655

      Mel a friend of hers telephoned the police they came out she said she was fine they left, this happens very often. Yes she has several diagnoses l, no help from mental health services, the times she threatens suicide is always when she has taken something. She will not engage. Currently living on her own.

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