Back Again

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    • #4393

      Hi all who remember me….Its been a while since I have posted not because things have changed much just thought I was learning to deal with things better. But no i have fell to earth with a mighty thud again..I have a nineteen year old son drug,alcohol and gambling dependant…I have been on anti depressants and receiving councilling until recently….Things were going ok he got a job and started buying things for his flat and seemed to be easier to talk to etc etc,,,,But eh oh were back to square one again ….working three days getting wages going on a bender not turning up for work getting sacked then asking me for money for food electric and gas….Ive told him no…..Now again for the umteeenth time im a shit mother he is not coming for christmas dinner as he says he does nt want to put on a front with his family who mean nothing to him….Its horrible how can i sit at a table christmas day enjoy a meal with a large family and put on abrave face….knowing he is in his flat with nothing and I have a four year old who this is his first year of getting excited over christmas and I dont want to spoil it for him,,,,he dont deserve it….Im struggling ….Lots of support or advice would be appreciated

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