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    • #5865

      My granddaughter has been a drug and alcohol addict on and off for 20 years. Her problems really took off after she was ‘groomed’ at the age of about 13/14 years old. She has always been a bit needy and ‘odd’ from early on 7 or 8 years. Very vulnerable!! She has a daughter who is a looked after child by a family member and she is not allowed to see her due to her addictions and unpredictability. She has been on Methadone and was free of it for a while, back on it for a almost a year but lately she has been missing her doses, not seeing the doctor to get her prescription so has gone back on heroin to get her through until she is prescribed again. I fully admit I have been her enabler, giving her money, buying food, everything an enabler can do and she still wants more and more. Today I refused and the abuse, screaming, threats to kill herself have been constant all day. I even went to see her even though I should be isolating bcoz of my age, but she was drunk, incoherent and in a rage. Question: what do I do now? How can I keep strong? I have had to turn my phone and mobile off as she rings raging and abusive every minute. I believe she has some kind of mental illness but when you approach the medical professionals that always say (we can’t do anything while she is drinking and on drugs) ?? Sorry if I have gone on but I am at my wit’s end

    • #16851

      What a truly traumatic experience for her to go through when she was younger she is clearly using class A substances as a way of blocking this out and dealing with her emotions

      I understand it is incredibly difficult for you to watch your own granddaughter go through this and you have to protect your own emotional well being please don’t take her anger personally she is hitting out against those that tried to hurt her

      I’ve been through addiction myself and now a volunteer support worker I don’t know what part of the country you are from but with your permission and hers and she must want to stop or it won’t work I can see what help and support their may be available in your area

      I really hope she gets the help she needs and you get your granddaughter back to the person she once was

    • #16853

      Thank you for your supportive words. She has been offered help numerous times and is at present attending her local Drug and Alcohol centre who also think she has mental problems and they have put her forward to see a psychiatrist but the waiting list is horrendously long. I am not convinced a psychiatrist is the right person to see, she has had no help in that direction in the past, as I said in my first post. She lives in North London

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