Best explanation of addiction! Please read

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    • #7252

      For context, I’m a recovering cocaine addict and spend alot of time on here but also I spend hours on YouTube watching videos on addiction and recovery stories because understanding my problem for me has massively helped.

      Tonight I came across these 2 videos (they are pt1 and pt2)

      The guy is explaining addiction by showing how it’s very simular to a toxic relationship and honestly I have never heard an explanation like this.

      People who struggle to understand why their partner or loved one could become an addict will be able to understand so much better after watching these.

      If you don’t want to copy the links I have put in here and want to search for Yourself the video is called “STAGES OF ADDICTION: a toxic relationship pt1”. And obviously pt2 aswell.

      I really hope as many of you watch these videos as possible and if you do I’d be interested in your thoughts so please reply back to this with your reaction.

    • #26906

      Thank you so much James.

      The more knowledge we understand and learn about addiction, the more we can help and support our loved ones.

      Stay strong, you should be very proud of yourself.


    • #26914

      hi james, how are you? you seem to be doing well and for that you should be extremely proud! thank you for sharing the videos i watched them before bed last night. Hes insights to hes own addiction was very interesting also the comparison to a relationship is a good concept as ive never thought of it in that way. We too suffer withdrawals from the relationship when we cut addicted loved ones out the same way that you feel with the drug, alot of it is in the mind it is such a powerful thing. I have a really good video for you too please watch it let me know what you think its on youtube by cornerstone of recovery its called why an addict cant stop using the doctor who explains it is incredible and this video should be showed in 12 step meetings and in schools in my opinion. take care x

    • #32662

      Thanks so much for sharing these videos James. I randomly go through old posts and I’m so glad that I came across this one of yours. Hope you’re doing well.

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