Boyfriend a coke addict

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    • #7179

      Hey my other half is a coke addict tried to stop over a week ago but went back on it, his moods are terrible , out of the blue yesterday he kept saying things to wind me he but kept it going all day and night then started again today and I told him to stop it’s getting too much but somehow I’m the one I’m rhe wrong I’m the one being snappy? And he doesn’t know why because he hasn’t done anything wrong, my emotions are everywhere ,I love him but I’m sitting here all worked up ,is this the normal behaviour of an addict

    • #26290

      I’m in the exact same position as you! I’m always the one to blame, it’s like they see it as you can’t take a joke but they’re not joking, it’s the drugs talking. It gets really frustrating. I’ve just split up with him. He’s been taking drugs for too long and it never stops until they properly grow up

    • #26293

      When he is taking coke he nice and lovey ,he goes really quiet when he takes and just sits in a corner continually sniffing till he can’t move ,it’s the day after he just becomes so cheeky just like you said he insults my appearance ,he pulls me right to the ground calls me horrible names but all in the name of banter seemingly , its affecting me badly now I’m awake till early hours can’t sleep ,I hate looking in the mirror, I’m on edge and feel emotional I wish I could split with him but I keep thinking what if . I have started hating myself for staying with him, that’s why I joined here to see if what he does is way addicts behave and help me walk away .

      • #26297

        They never change, I’ve just split with my ex and to be honest I feel miles better. I still feel upset that he is going away and taking stuff but its their life they are ruining. He’s never been aggressive or nasty to me but I still don’t like him taking drugs. I would definitely leave it if I were you, my friends ex partner was always taking coke and he ended up nearly killing her when he was on one of his coke binges, don’t let it get to that, you will have lots of support around you to leave. I know it is hard

    • #26294

      Same with me

      Have been with him for almost a year

      Has recently got really bad and has started threatening to damage my property and has been arrested

      I’m so hurt as all I ever did was try to to support him to change. I thought one day we might get over this but a year later he’s just got worse

      Feeling so depressed and heartbroken

    • #26296

      Mine isn’t like that but we don’t live together if we did I think it would probably be a total disaster, hope your ok , I’m just letting him do what he wants to do but I won’t be picking up the pieces again if he runs a bill up which he has started already binged for 3 nights already then I’m not gonna settle it for him it’s the uncertainty I hate , is he gonna be nice or is he gonna be acting like an arse , if your partner is at the stage of getting arrested maybe try have a break from him ,easier said than done though

    • #26481

      That’s a link to buy pills yeah that’s not gonna help anyone on here

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