Boyfriend going to rehab

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    • #5807

      My boyfriend is finally getting help for a codeine addiction.

      Wednesday is the day he starts his journey.

      I’m struggling so much, the last few weeks he has used everyday, I feel like iv lost him, emotionally, physically, he just sits on his phone watching videos, documentaries etc.

      We have a 2 month old and I have a 6 year old also.

      Hes interested in nothing, he holds his little girl for about 5 minutes and puts her down.

      Obviously his sex drive has gone, which i understand, hes stopped complimenting me, showing his love.

      Every now and again he says for me to never forget that he loves me, he just cant concentrate on anything at the minute.

      Breaks my heart how he must be feeling, but is it normal? Will he ever come back to me or is this the end.

      Il stand by him throughout everything, but I’m.worried sick he may not come back to me emotionally, physically.

      Addiction is evil, drugs are evil, they ruin everything xxx

      Will this ever come back him

    • #16595

      Well done to your boyfriend to reaching out for help and taken that step. It’s a massive step for him!

      I wish my partner would do this for his drinking

      Hun your fela is still there it’s just hidden by his addiction

      Stay strong for you and your babies xx

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