Boyfriend has a serious crack addiction and doesn’t want to stop.

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    • #6327

      Hey there,

      I’m new to all this but I’m need of some friendly and maybe some blunt advice as my situation has gone on for to long.

      So I met this guy around Christmas He seemed so lovely and charming, we instantly fell in love.

      Two months in I felt something wasn’t right he was hiding something a 5year crack addiction, things started to go missing money items etc.

      I questioned but he was so quick to get angry. The person I fell in love with was a lie but it felt to late I was hooked on him. He cut down his friend from suicide and he said this was the reason I felt almost sorry for him.

      The strangest thing happened a month later also my best friend hung herself through suicide and I found her.

      How did meeting this person then this happen all in a space of a couple of months happen is that supposed to be where meant for each other or the complete opposite ?

      Anyway he gave me no support I come home from what had happened and all he said was have a pipe it will make you feel better…

      Stupidly what did I do I took it and it was the worst mistake I have ever made it isn’t me ! But it’s turned me into some heartless depressed person I was a liked person in my group but now I have nobody.

      He gets so angry with me calls me names makes me feel like I’m worthless.

      I want a escape but something is drawn to him and I don’t know what it is because he’s so horrible to me.

      Any help would be appreciated thank you.

    • #19965


      So sorry to read your story and what you’ve been through.

      If you would like some help please contact us at The Icarus Trust. We are a charity that supports people going through situations like you are .If you get in touch one of our trained and experienced people would talk with you and show you what other help is available for you both.

      You can contact Icarus Trust on or visit our website

      All the best.

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