Boyfriend has addiction issue

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    • #7576

      Hi I’m new here in hope of not feeling alone and like I’m

      Going mad

    • #29909

      You’re absolutely not alone ❤️

      Are you okay?? Xxx

    • #29910

      Definitely not alone xx I hope you’re ok ????

    • #29912

      Thank you. Had a very bad day yest. When he’s had a drink and moody the stuff he comes out with is pure evil

    • #29913

      Hi kthendrie, you’re definitely not alone xxx

      What’s your situation? Is it drinking and/or drugs that are the problem for him?

      Hope you have a better day today xx

    • #29914

      Alcohol but can lead to coke and gambling

      5 years of when he’s good I’m amazing but when he’s not he says such awful stuff and how he’s never wanted us.

      He’s moved in as he wanted to progress. Wants to get better but the min I speak up if he starts drinking etc I’m a nag and he becomes evil and repeats how pathetic I am and how I’m worthless . I have kids so just take it so they don’t hear. Last night he said he would rather be homeless than live in this toxic prison. How I’m pathetic and need counselling for being insecure.

      Every thing he said he wanted is now the opposite. We both have covid which hasn’t stopped him and I slept on my sofa. How can someone love u then the next day their mind plays tricks and maybe they never have

    • #29915

      Hi I’m new on here and so many stories same as mine I have friends and family to talk too but not anyone that really understands my husband as been struggling with alcohol for a number of years 4 years ago I lost my brother of 45 to alcohol I thought that would be a wake up call for my husband but things got worse . He’s recently had detox but no rehab I really thought this was going to be it but he’s not working bored and started drinking daily even mornings again I have supported for so long but I now want out . He won’t leave and I bought the home when we separated for 9 months over 2 years ago and don’t see why I should leave my own home he his verbally and physically abusive but as like many of you have said he can be the most loving person ever I’m really at my wits end as this is 3rd time with detox

    • #29916

      I feel

      Ur pain. We tried the detox but day two he tested positive, went on one . Started lashing out which ended with me with a black eye so they refused it.

      He goes to classes wkly but I find they just give him the agreement that he wants that it’s ok to slip as long as u notice it!

      U shoukdnt be moving out so please don’t. If need be kick him

      Out and get restraining order on him if that’s needed!

      No one will ever understand unless they have been in our shoes.

      After all he said last night he’s the one upstairs still asleep whilst I slept on sofa and can’t rest with covid!

    • #29917

      I can smell the alcohol even in the day but he will lie and lie which makes me on edge then the whole dynamics change. He has no convinced himself it’s our relationship why he’s unhappy and drinking . Yet we are perfect when he’s clean. It’s like spilt personality

    • #29918

      Ditto ours is the same and I’m sleeping in single bed in a small room whilst he’s got big double bed . Been together 15 years I love him but I also hate him well what he’s become. Same as you the more I nag that makes him drink more ha ha excuse excuse , if they can’t stand their relationships why don’t they move out . If you have kids involved it’s so sad and it does affect them believe me.

    • #29919

      We don’t have kids together. Funnily enough he’s not allowed to see his atm until he proves he’s not drinking with them there yet im the one he’s convinced needs counselling!

      Been together on off for 5 years and any argument has always been linked to drink, drugs, women.

      We are amazing when he isn’t low and struggling . I do all

      He asks when he’s in the mood to talk about it but once it’s gone too far he then turns on me if I try to stop him.

      Last night was evil what he said. Apparently being homeless is better so wondering why he continued drinking and sleeping in my bed and is still there now. ????‍♀️

      So hard to believe anything g nice was genuine when he takes it all back in a rage. Any normal women would have kicked him out last night

    • #29920

      He even took to Facebook asking for estate agents . Cruel

    • #29925


      Your description of your situation sounds so similar to my own. I’m not coping very well with it at the moment and I feel so exhausted with everything.

      For me too things are so good with my partner when they are good but when they are bad they are awful. I feel like as soon as things start to feel ok it all falls apart again and we’re back to square one.

      I feel like I spend my life waiting for the next issue to happen and I don’t trust a word he says but I end up believing every time when he says things will get better because I want them to so badly.

      I don’t know what to do anymore. I feel like we are never going to move forward and I can feel myself becoming more depressed but I don’t want to leave him and I always just hope it will get better some day.

      Lavinia x

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