Boyfriend smokes weed/cannabis

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    • #5772

      Hello everyone

      I’m looking for advice from other people in my situation or people that used to use cannabis.

      My bf of 5 years smokes cannabis. His 31, I’m 36 years old. His been smoking it on and off since his teens. I never knew he smoked it till 2 years ago I started to notice that smell.

      I was too scared to confront him as he can be hot headed and switch at times.

      It wasn’t until last year when we had issues in the relationship when we were rowing I told him I knew.

      He denied it then said he did on and off.

      We were on and off last summer due to issues we were having.

      He moved out for 10 weeks. I told him the cannabis had to stop he promised me he would. Prior to moving out we went to the doctors over it as he kept saying he had mental health issues of anxiety and depression I kept saying it’s linked to that rubbish you’ve smoked he was all in denial about it, trying to tell me no evidence etc!! I guess like lots of users in denial and don’t want to admit its a problem they have.

      Doctor put him straight on how bad it was etc referred him to a drug centre. He walked in there, and he refused to take part saying it wasn’t a place for him, it’s full of smack heads his not like.

      So, nothing got done.

      Sorted our problems out he moved back in October. Sneaking about still smoking it.

      Again, came to a head again earlier this year I told him I knew he was sneaking about, I could smell it on him.

      He said he’d give up but can’t tell me when, not going cold turkey, will do it gradually~excuses as always.

      Came to ahead this week, I’ve said stop it or we are done. Given him a deadline 16th May he said he will doesn’t want to loose me but said it will be hard, the craving for it and he thinks it helps him sleep.

      How he will now have sleepless nights, stomach cramps, part of his evening entertainment.

      Has anyone else experienced this??? Is it really hard for a user to stop?? His not using every day, but more option than not. His not one of these stoners that sits in puffing all day long.

      He says he has 1 joint but smokes a bit, puts it out comes back later to have abit more, puts out, have a bit more later.

      I’m so anti drugs never tried anything in my life and he knows this.

    • #16427

      Hello HelenBee, I used to smoke weed over 20 years ago. The stuff that I smoked was much different than the marijuana that’s sold on the streets today. What I’m concerned with is the stomach cramps and sleepless nights. It has me wondering, is his weed laced with something? There’s an area in Philadelphia that has been known to lace their marijuana with fentynal in order to keep people coming back. If this is the case, He’s probably going to need medical intervention.

    • #16429

      Evening Fatherof3

      Thank you for taking the time to get back to me on this matter. His told me his smoking the dry leafs~would this be hash?? He said it has a weaker strength to the other cannabis he was using before.

      I must admit I am quite naive to this world of drugs. I’ve never moved in circles of friends who use any and It was drummed I to me from a very young age to never do them, thankfully I’ve stuck to that.

      He tried to stop about 4 weeks ago and started to say about stomach cramps~he linked this to not smoking it and trying to get it out his system. As for the sleepless nights, his said it helps him get off to sleep~but wonders if it is all psychological.

      I’ve told him to go cold turkey but his refused saying you can’t do that on weed~I don’t know if that is just an excuse to bid him more time or the truth??? He has to do it gradually??

      Do you mind me asking how you managed to stop?? Did you have side effects??

    • #16434

      I did not experience any side-effects. I had to stop because my job gives random drug screens. I got tired of walking around all day with a bottle of urine attached to me. It was just too much work. His sleepless nights is psychological in my opinion. Melatonin worked well for me its all natural and has no side affects.

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