Breaking point

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      I’m struggling to know what to write I think this is more of a rant tbh. My brother has abused cocaine for years, however he now says the money he owes is not for drugs but because he owes money for drug debt but this has been going on for years and my mum and everyone including me have bailed him out for a quiet life multiple times with money as he promised that it is all he owed and the last time but it is never ending he is aggressive and violent if he doesn’t get money. My mum kicked him out about 4 years ago after multiple violent episodes from him and multiple attempts to get him help. He always stated he wanted help but has never really engaged with anything. She was hoping he would reach rock bottom and seek help but no all that happened was my little Nan and aunt took him in to their house as they didn’t want him on the streets. My little Nan passed away last year and even as she lay dying he was robbing her bank card to take money off her. Since then it has gotten worse he has had lots of money off my aunt, practically bankrupting her, refuses to leave her house, police have been multiple times but she won’t press charges as she said she doesn’t want him to have a criminal record and doesn’t want to ruin his life/jeopardise his job

      It’s such a mess obviously we don’t want to get the police involved but I don’t know what other option we have he is so twisted in his thinking and has serious hatred for our mum has physically assaulted her on more than 1 occasion and my poor aunt lives in fear of him as when he starts about needing money it doesn’t stop I mean hours and hours of kicking off, screaming, shouting punching holes in walls/doors locking mum/aunt in rooms ringing phone continually for hours. He works full time doesn’t pay any bills, lives with my aunt rent free but never has money always needs more but I think this is for a continuing drug habit not to pay money owed. My aunt eventually gives in and gives him money as she is so frightened and tbh exhausted from trying to hold out saying No! When he gets paid he does give her money back for a day but then takes it back and more on top she is in her late 60s as is our mum I’ve just had enough we live our lives on eggshells always waiting for the next kick off. Has anyone had anyone like this with them and things turned around? I know deep down the answer is to get the police involved but it’s an awful thought and I get why my mum and aunt find it so difficult.

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