Broken and Confused

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    • #6784

      Hello All, this is my first post. My fiancé has been using cocaine and recently told me his heart was cold towards me and he felt nothing for me anymore. He says he has met a woman on his job and she makes him feel whole again. I am so hurt and broken by all this. Lately he has said some horrible things to me, called all kinds of names and even gotten violent. I still love him very much and I want to be there Ann help him through this but if he’s moved on it will devastate me. I want to believe it’s not true and he saying all this b’c of the drugs. Please give me some advice…

    • #23448

      If he’s using cocaine it does make people so some seedy things when on it and they can be more likely to cheat. If he’s telling you this I would cut him off if he’s met someone else let her deal with him I know it’s hard when you love someone but he’s said some hurtful things to you and being violent is not acceptable drugs or not. Do you have children together if then I understand you wanting to help him but even then if they don’t want to change they won’t has to be when they are ready you can’t force them unfortunately. Hope your okay this place helps people feel not alone and has helped me at times to not think about my situation as such by reading others.

    • #23449

      *do some seedy things

    • #23451

      Save yourself any more pain and move on

      realise he has just handed you the golden ticket ???? to restart your life

      Most addicts won’t let you go easily

      Don’t look back for answers you won’t get any; and certainly not any truthful ones

    • #23452

      its a harsh reality and i know you all are right and although i do love him i have to choose me. thanks for responding.

    • #23454

      Take time for yourself to reflect and hold your head up and move on

    • #23476


      Let him go, and don’t look back.

      I imagine the other woman accepts/partakes in drugs too, thats usually the way.

      Your life will be better without an addict, trust me. If you dont have kids or financial ties, see it as a good thing xx

    • #23483

      Hey LaLaa ,

      I’ve been there , I know how much this hurts, believe me when I say that the best thing you can do is walk away.

      You only have more hurt ahead of you , right now he has no empathy for you . He has no regrets for what he does or says . You will be somebody he can blame for his use , you will be the nagging partner.

      As sad as it is , let him go .

      Sending love xx

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