Broken Wife – Husband cocaine addiction

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    • #36169
      Twilight 12

      Hi, not sure where to start, very fragile lady here. My hmy husband of 12 years is a fully fledged addict, he started 2 years ago (on and off supposedly) however the last 6 months have been a downward spiral. It has now ended up with daily verbal abuse to the point where I cant think or see straight. I have fled the house with our 2 young children, as he wont leave. What can I do? I want my husband back but I have no idea if that is possible? I’m currently sofa surfing with my kids 🙁 

    • #36178

      Hi Twilight,

      So sorry you’re going through this. Unfortunately nothing we say or do will make a difference, if he wants to change he has the option of getting himself to meetings and making a real shot at recovery, but if he isn’t ready yet there’s no point in you putting your energy into fighting for him. Please try talking to any services you have available such as Womens Aid or a solicitor, he should be giving you the house to live in in with your children. If he’s abusive then all the more reason to have him removed. The fact he hasn’t left for you shows he’s still in the grip of addiction and is thinking only of himself. You need to put you and the kids first, you deserve better than this x

    • #36185
      Twilight 12

      Thank you Paw,

      I read alot of your replies and they are super supportive. I’m getting more confidence just from this forum, scary how many of us are in the same boat! Hope things are getting better for you xx

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