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    • #4882

      My brother is a heroin and crack cocaine addict. He has been on methadone and sticking to his programme. He’s been doing well but he’s now disappeared and not getting hold of us, the same cycle repeating itself over and over. The pain is a lot to bear and really difficult but I am trying my hardest to move on with my own life. I have a life that I love and yet my guilt for that is over riding everything at the moment. I wish he could see it from my side and understand. I know that my love can’t save him from himself or his actions but I wish so badly it could. A very heartbroken sister.

    • #10167

      My love it’s so hard to watch for you and no one understands unless they living it I am with my son and I’m heartbroken and helpless but we are not alone that is some comfort for us.

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