Brother at Crisis Point

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    • #4546

      So since posting my last message a few weeks ago my Brother had another alcohol relapse on Friday which led him to coming to mine, reacting to me because I told him to go away and he was not allowed into my home drunk. He kicked open the door upset that I had locked him out & was very verbal. Neighbour called police & he was removed & dropped on the streets. He returned the next day regretful of his mistake begging me to take him in til he found somewhere to live (which he hasn’t done in 3 months of staying with me). I remained strong refusing to let him in. He got into my car which was open & slept in there for 2 days refusing to leave me. I couldn’t cope so I left my home & walked to a relatives house & stayed there for a few days to cope. The police asked him to leave the car which he did after a few days & he has been constantly texting me emotional blackmail begging for me to help. I am now back home & police visitede last night as they had a call to say he is sending suicidal messages to his girlfriend and he was in my area so they were trying to find him. I have had no news back as yet. I am so broken of his destructiveness & it is so hard to remain strong knowing he is on the streets.

    • #9489

      Hi Crusha
      So sorry that things have got worse.
      Please contact The Icarus Trust if you think it would help.
      You can contact us on or visit the website

    • #9602

      Thank you for sharing your story.

      It seems there are few services and research done considering the experience of family members, in particular siblings. That is why I am conducting a research project looking at the narratives of siblings, encouraging others like you to share their experiences. If you wish to participate and share your story or would like more information please contact me at Thank you.

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