Brother is a cocaine addict

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    • #7398


      My brother is a cocaine addict and I feel like his addiction is only getting worse and not better. Myself and my family have been out of thousands by paying is debts and he continues to run up debts which we cannot afford to pay. I see no way out as he says he wants to change but he isn’t making active changes in his life. I’m

      Worried about his debt with drug dealers and what affect this could have on my family.

      Any advice would be really appreciated.

    • #28048

      My sister is also a cocaine addict and I’ve recently found out my partner is doing crack (not daily but a few times a month) and we sadly cannot help them unless they are willing to help themselves.

      It destroys families and relationships. I am coming to the realisation that my relationship is going to come to an end. I guess that will show what I mean to him.

      I have no advice as it’s like living in hell. But they need to start by getting the help before we can help.

      I’m exhausted and so sad by it all xx I wish you luck and hope your brother gets the help x

    • #28263


      I am so sorry to hear that about your sister and your partner. Are you ok?

      It is exactly like living in hell and I don’t know what it is going to take for my bother to help himself. When do think our loved ones will!? I hear stories of people who do come out the other end and recover and wonder if that is ever even possible 🙁

      I feel better knowing I’m not alone because it does feel lonely feeling like you are the only family going though this when it is everywhere xx

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