Can a heroin addict actually tell the truth!!??

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    • #4811

      My partner the functioning heroin addict. I think deep inside i know the answers but im so anger i think my judgement is clouded.
      Ive been with him along time & 11yrs of them hes been a heroin addict aswell as being on a methadone script. From the outside we appear “normal” but inside theres a constant battle with him telling the truth about his drug use. I personally dont think he believes its a problem. Ive been in between him & drug dealers with knifes, IVE paid dealers off ( even though he works), ive been to drug house telling them not to sell to him, now our kids know hes a smackhead. Why i stay in this relationship, im beginning to wonder. Zero trust aswell (shock)!

    • #10016

      Hi Fbc83,

      Thank you for sharing your story. I am really sorry to read how you are feeling.
      If you think that it might help please contact The Icarus Trust. We are a charity that provides support for the people who’s lives are affected by the addiction of a family member or friend.
      If you feel that it would be helpful to talk, one of our trained and experienced people would be available for you to speak to. Maybe that would help you to make some sense of what is happening.
      You can contact us on or visit the website
      Good luck.

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