I’m so glad I’ve found this site, I’m feeling so alone, my husband has been using heroin on and off the last year, he works full time and pays for the mortgage and bills, I have a 1 year old baby who I look after in the home, he has used in the home a few months ago and I left for a week, he ended up overdosing and hospitalised, after he agreed to get help via the drugs service and psychologist I moved back in.. He’s been using on and off again and now wants to go on maintenance (methadone or subtext) we have now agreed to separate he’s agreed to move out for a while (in February) , I’m so scared he will spiral out of control and use in the house and put our child at risk until he goes..I also don’t want to leave as he will use it as a chance to use, i can’t tell any family members as they are still recovering from the last time he was hospital, his parents are distraught, don’t want to put them through the pain, have to just hope he leaves. It’s so hard bringing up a baby and being on edge around him in the house. feel anxious and stressed all the time, If he goes on methadone or subetex will it make a difference to how I feel? Can he hold down a job? any advice on how to deal with this and keep sane would be appreciated. Thank you.