Can someone tell me what drug this is?

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    • #6203

      So my husband has been an addict for as long as I’ve been with him and before. He just use to abuse opioids, but recently I’ve found this powder that he’s been snorting. It is a light pinkish color with some white powder also mixed in. He says that it gives him the same high as opioids but stronger, so I was thinking heroin, but the person he bought it from has told him it is Fentanyl. He just lost his job due to failing a drug test. The drug test showed he had a small amount of Cocaine in his system and marijuana. No opioids at all or any other drug showed up. I know he doesn’t do Cocaine, he is very open with me and has told me numerous times when I’ve confronted him. Another thing I thought was odd was that he hasn’t been going through any withdrawal from not having pain pills at all. He’s very hooked on this stuff so much that he blows every bit of money we have, I’m talking hundreds of dollars at a time for just a small amount everyday.

      Any info anyone can give me would be great. I need to know how to go about getting him some help.

      Thank you all.

    • #19614

      Likely a synthetic opioid. My husband overdosed on what was seemingly an opioid but his tox screen showed up for just Marijuana. Our best guess is it was some sort of synthetic substance?

    • #19622

      Hi There, I have just googled what you have described and this came up U-4700 (Pink) U-47700, also known as “Pink”, “Pinky”, or “U4” on the streets, is a potent, synthetic opioid medication. Here is the link I’m not sure if that is what it is but if you take a look you would know as you have seen it. If it’s not if you haven’t already take a look on the internet and see if you can match it to anything, hope this helps.

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