Cannabis addiction, or just overreacting?

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    • #5003

      I’m concerned about my girlfriend’s cannabis use, but I’ve no idea how to raise it, and whether there’s an actual element of addiction or I’m just overreacting.

      She smokes every night of the week when she’s not working. Also, whenever we’ve had friends over she often sneaks out the back to have a smoke at some point in the evening.

      She doesn’t smoke on evenings she’s working, or when we’re away on holiday either abroad or with other people. I’ve raised the addiction question with her before and she points to this as evidence that she doesn’t need it.

      She suffers from complex mental health issues, and also argues when I’ve raised the issue that she needs it for her mental health, as it gives her headspace.

      I’ve mentioned to her before that her use concerns me, and that I’m not comfortable with it. A few months back she told me that she thought she was addicted, and had taken herself to a couple of NA meetings. Soon after she decided to stop going as she’d decided that she was not in the league of the actual addicts that were there.

      I get the feeling that the story above really answers the question I’ve asked, but I could do with some sort of confirmation one way or the other. Is there such thing as high-functioning addiction, and is that what this is?

    • #10593

      So how many times roughly is she smoking it a week??? I was having it every day for years aged 14to19. It use send me phycho.. but i quit in the end. It was hard. But it ruined me as akid. Not socializing .

      • #11445

        Hi Danman

        I have a son who has a very similar story – you said you quit – how did you do that and what made you quit. We have been arguing and trying to break our son down with all his excuses and denials – making some progress and he is open to changing. Trying to find a Life Coach/Anger Management/Addiction counsellor in Birmingham or over the phone if anyone has any recommendations. Any advice you have would be great.

        Uefacup – I think you do know some of the answers as you said. our experience has been that there are some people who can keep it in check and smoke every so often. My son has an addictive personality and is generally reckless – so he has gradually crossed more red lines to get and smoke weed and some harder drugs – so it has progressed from stealing from family and friends, stealing at work …. and much more. You are the one who knows what this situation is, and whether it’s Ok for you.

    • #10986


      It does sound as if your girlfriend’s cannabis use is an addiction and it’s sad that she didn’t continue with the NA meetings.

      If you would like some support for yourself please contact us at The Icarus Trust. We are a charity that provides support to people dealing with a partner or family member’s addictive behaviours. We offer a free service and you might find it helpful to talk with one of our trained and experienced people.

      You can contact us on or visit the website

      All the best.

    • #11899

      Hi I’m a regular user of cannabis my boyfriend also thinks I’m addicted. I guess I am but I can never really make my mind up, I guess know one wants to admit to being addicted because then it’s a problem and needs to be solved.

      I work full time I have a normal life I have friends, I do prefer to stay in but that’s just me .

      I don’t enjoy alcohol I enjoy a joint but I’m always spilt in deciding if I’m addicted or it’s just my poison instead of alcohol ????

      I can go without it I don’t smoke before work I don’t need it first thing in the morning I just enjoy it I love the taste lol so maybe your girlfriend is the same as me confused weather it is a problem.

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