Cant bear any more lies

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    • #5129

      My husband is an intelligent man who has started drinking excessively for last few years

      Hes drinking between 8 to 12 cans a day hiding them everywhere

      He admits hes alcoholic and goes to aa and he has reduced somewhat in last few weeks but its the lying

      His work issuffering and im scared hhe will end up getting sacked

    • #11795

      I’m sorry you’re in this position Primrose250. You sound very similar to me. Just like you, I find the lying the hardest – I can accept he has a problem but I struggle to accept him not being open about it when he’s in the depths of his drinking.

      I’ve also been worried about him losing his job. He works at home so it’s much easier for him to ‘disappear’ and drink, and I’ve wondered how he’s managed to get away with it for so long.

      We had to tell his work about it when we eventually checked him into a rehab facility and he wouldn’t be able to work for several weeks. They were shocked but very supportive of him, so I guess we were lucky in that respect.

      He also goes to AA, but just going isn’t enough – the alcoholic has to work the programme and follow the steps. Do you think your husband is doing that yet?

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