Can’t cope no more

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    • #6673

      Iv been with my fella 9 years have 2 beautiful kids who adore him he has been addicted to dihydrocodeine for years due to really bad back and other problems that’s when it stared with the heroin told me in 2015 that he had taken some because he couldn’t get the tablets promised me he wouldn’t do it again but he did I found it kicked him out straight away he beg me to take him back he was sorry and all that took him back he then went to the doctors and was put Buprenorphine he was doing fine with them but want really helping his pain so about year ago was put back on dihydrocodeine iv just found out he’s been using again even tho he has tablets telling me he’s doing it now and again for pain don’t believe a word he say think he’s been smoking crack aswell he won’t say tho I’m so hurt by him iv put up with all his problems over the years feel so down in the dumps I don’t eat like I used to try and be happy for the kids but it’s killing me slowly do I kick him out and move on or try and help him I don’t no what to do

    • #22577

      This morning he telling me it’s my fault I’m to judgmental I don’t do anything for him I’m always watching him and he can’t live like this it’s like the blows keep coming I done my best to help him go out my way for him then he told me he don’t no if he wants to make it work then goes back on what he said I’m just lost

    • #24390

      Hi, in a similarish situation but I’ve decided enough, is enough and told him I want a divorce. We’ve been together 20 years, have 2 amazing kids. He’s had several back operations over the past 14 years ended up on Oxycodone which he’s been snorting. He’s got really bad mental health problems now as a result too and drinks and smokes weed too. Now I’ve left him he’s trying to get help but not much is happening unfortunately and dealing with the rollercoaster of his emotions is exhausting. I’ve had to call the police twice in the last 2 weeks once because he was threatening to kill himself the second because he was outside spying on me whilst drunk and on god knows what he then crashed his sisters car. I now don’t know what he will do next as I’ve never seen him act like this before. Police haven’t been overly interested nor the local mental health crisis line. I’m really concerned that he won’t get the help he needs. But despite all of that I know I’ve made the right decision for me and my kids.

    • #24391

      Honestly – it will go on a along as you let it – as long as you put up with the lies and deceit

      Don’t be scared of change – it certainly can’t get any worse and I promise You from experience – life will get better

      I miss my ex everyday and will always love the man I met, but he’s long gone and so far removed from the man I ended up with.

      He was destroying me and the kids and I couldn’t take anymore

      It was the best but hardest decision I have ever had to make

    • #24393

      Literally just a moment ago found out that on top of the drink, weed, snorting prescription opioids he’s also been mixing cocaine too!

      Every day it gets worse but everyday I know I’ve made the right decision to leave the relationship.

      Thanks Esta just hoping now he’ll leave me alone to get on with my life.

      • #24399

        You will have weak moments but once you have made the decision there will always be no real turning back

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