Can’t take his drug addiction anymore

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    • #5229

      Been with my partner now for over 12 months and he hid his addiction from me at first but now I now he addicted to heroin, told me over the months he not going to take the deadly stuff anymore because he loves me and wants our relationship to work coz he got nothing with me …… which he hasn’t .

      He is 47 and got a horrible flat with not furniture and nothing in it x

      But he told me today his urges are to overwhelming that he got to use again!!

      I work full time and I pay for everything for him even the roof over his head and he doesn’t give me a penny from his universe credit.

      I’ve give him chance after chance for him to give his addiction up and I’d even support him though it but still not good enough, so even thou I love him to bits I can not be with him anymore x

      I feel so sad and alone as I’ve hid his addiction from family and friends x ????

    • #12362

      I totally relate to what you are saying sugar. But paying for your partner and bailing him out is only enabling to keep using. Has he self referred to a drug and alcohol agency? Is he on a script already? I have both a husband ( currently in prison) and a son who are both addicts. They will and have taken every penny from me in the past. I am more than happy to chat. I understand 100% what you are going through

    • #12382

      Thankyou x yes I pay for his habit but he bleeding me dry if I’m honest x but it’s only his mood swings that drive to pay coz he is horrible to be around x

      No he says he can handle things hisself but he clearly can’t

    • #12383

      Manipulative? Blackmailing? Lies? More lies? I get it. What is he using?

    • #12397

      He is a heroin addict x ????

      I get so embarrassed coz he is unkempt

    • #12399

      Mine to love. And anything he can get his hands on whilst in jail .

      He hasn’t got access to heroin in there. Has only had it a couple of times in nearly 3 yrs bit was before he went in. That and crack. And an alcoholic. You name it he took it. But now he’s in there it’s spice. I give in to him everytime he asks for money. He’s left me broke and heartbroken. My son is an addict too. He is on a methadone script but uses crack. It costs him 1000’s of pounds. It’s a helpless situation to be in . What can we do? Sadly nothing until thdy come to the realisation that they are the ones with the answers. Sounds so cliché but it’s the sad truth. I also work in a drug service fulltime. So it’s a nitemare for me. No respite. Just drugs drugs drugs….

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