Chattin Shit, Paranoid, shame

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    • #7640

      Addict and know it. Used to think it was for escapism from horrible marriage. Its not. Im a coke head and a prick.

      F*** it.

      Chattin **** in pity. Soz ignore me. Off my box and hate myself. Wish i could stop. Wish i was strong

      Total coward!

    • #30526

      Hi, total coward!!??

      You have reached out, outside your box, and that’s a good sign, there’s always hope.

      Admission of being a prick is self awareness that’s an acceptance of coke f##g with your head and inevitably with everything thing in your life.

      Addiction wants the person to feel like a coward, a coward knows fear, once you acknowledge the fear, (understand it) you can overcome it. Knowledge is power and you do have the strength within you to stop hating yourself and go to some local meetings where you’ll find other addict who want to no longer feel as you do now. Things do get better, life isn’t easy, kicking the Addiction isn’t easy, but any day without a drink or drug is bound to end better than with. Hence it gets better. Hope and faith and goodwill to you..

    • #30532

      Bro (guessing so with Mart77). When I was on it towards the end I’d think the same as you. When I gave up the booze and coke over 5 1/2 months ago there were 3 character traits I identified (amongst many others). I was a liar, manipulative and a cokehead. These labels helped me accept who I was, choice was quite clear – do I continue on this path or do I really want to change? I chose the latter

      I’m not going to sit here and say you’re not an addict, a cokehead or even a pr1ck BUT……you can stop, you be strong and you can be in a world which accepts you as a kind hearted strong individual with plenty to offer

      Truth is many of us wander around on this merry world stuck in their ways with no room for growth, sacrifice today for a better tomorrow

      I do hope you comeback to this forum and read this as I used to do the same, get on it and feel broken and read this forum thinking I really wanted / needed too change. I did it hundreds of times until I ran out of steam and then I knew this was my moment to make a change, a permanent change for the good of all man…

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