Checking for signs of drinking

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    • #7519

      Hello so my husband is 10 days sober after ending up in hospital after having a fit from drinking. I know it’s horrible but I want to keep checking his hiding spots for bottles in case he starts again, should I do this or trust his word?

    • #29340

      Well I found some. Just confronted him.

    • #29584

      This breaks my heart. Hope you are ok.

    • #30327

      It’s awful when they say they’ve quit but your instincts say otherwise. Hope he does get sober one day, the amount of times mine have said he’s quit then I’ve found them I know that heart sunken feeling. Stay strong

    • #30348

      I can always tell when he has had a drink cos his whole body language and personality changes for the worse. After this I left for a week cos he was saying nasty things. Still drinking but will be seeing a person at a alcoholic clinic soon

      • #30355

        Yes that’s how I can tell to but when I confront him he says how dare I say he’s had a drink or he will say he’s only had 2 bottles. Wish I could get up and leave. Fingers crossed for you that it works for him going to the clinic, he’s so lucky your standing by him. How long has he been drinking for?

    • #30372

      Badly since 2020. I did leave in the beginning of June for a week, but he found his dad dead so I came back to help him. If things don’t start improving with the clinic I see him being sent to rehab, I’ll loose the house of that happens so I only work part time because of childcare

    • #30373

      Wow your amazing to be so supportiv, even losing the house. I sincerely hope he gets better and appreciates you. Remember we only get one life and you deserve to have your own happy life to, this is something I’m trying to get my head around after the past 5 years he’s been drinking

    • #30379

      Thank you, just feel miserable all the time and now people at work are noticing what makes it worse is he works at the same place but obviously has not been since the beginning of June

    • #30414

      I hope you are ok I have been going through this for few years going on benders for couple months then stopping for couple weeks the lies and denial are what hurts me the most I think you get into the habit of always looking for the signs there drinking again take care j x

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