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    • #7038

      Hi everyone, oh my god where do i ive been with my husband for over 26 years,every type of abuse hes put me through but i refuse to be a victim. Strange how you think you know someone but don’t, anyway he does cocaine now,not sure how long hes been on it for because hes a narcissist and a liar. Even takes it the house now off a weekend,hes on it about 4 times a week. Anyway i couldn’t take no more and met someone last night who ive been talking to for about a year (as friends, please don’t judge but im emotionally drained and want some positive attention) so i meet him and within 5 minutes hes jaws going. Oh my god why? So i confronted him he had 3 lines, maybe im not normal cause everyone is on it. Im meant to be meeting him tomorrow but im seriously thinking noooooo ,he said he takes it once a month but we all know this is not true.

    • #25142


      Sorry to hear about the abuse and your partner. No one is here to judge but please don’t swap one addict for other.

      Maybe ask yourself two things:

      1. If he doesn’t have a problem, why did he decide to do coke before meeting up with you? If it isn’t an addiction, then that behaviour isnt acceptable either way!

      2. Why are you questioning yourself, you know where this leads and you deep down know the question x

      Hope that doesn’t sound harsh.

    • #25143

      Hi, thanks for replying and i know i think i just needed someone else to tell me.why does everyone seem to take it?

    • #25144

      Hey I can give you the advice but I’ll be the first to say, I don’t take mine own advice ha!

      People take it for different reasons and I don’t think anyone ever wants to be come an addict…but from experience people find people that use it…not saying that you 🙂 maybe put this down to being unlucky though and start focusing on you rather than finding someone else xxx

      Here if you need to chat 🙂

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