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    • #5487

      After fourteen months of hell I think I have finally got to give in. After fourteen what I thought wonderful years of marriage to my soul mate I feel quite dead inside.

      He swore on his dads life that he hadn’t sniffed cocaine for four years. This I know was a lie but to make me believe him he did this. His dad has cancer.

      After visiting his cousin yesterday I found out a lot that has been happening. He was taking coke every time he went out, spending two thousand pounds partying buying bottles of champagne on numerous occasions over the last year whilst I sat at home keeping myself to myself because of his pending trial due to drugs. He is now detained at HMP.

      He has left me with a lot of debt and a failing business and I am now going to lose everything I own due to his selfish, self destructive behaviour and not being able to face up to his actions.

      I have been told he uses people for his own gain and has no respect for anyone anymore. Family and myself. He walks about thinking he is better than anyone else. Champagne Charlie, thats what he is being called. I used to be so proud of my husband before the cocaine lifestyle got the better of him.

      I had to be told the hard truth of the matter.

    • #14543

      Hope your ok mate. I think you just need to think of yourself and try and be happy. 🙂

      • #14545

        Feeling numb Danman. But you are right, I have to now think of myself. I hope i find some peace of mind and happiness. He can fend for himself now.

    • #14547

      Get out and do something, its bank holl.. have you out planed?

      • #14555

        Gardening Danman. Plenty of it plus a bit of sunbathing as i haven’t been on holiday for two years, good job its nice here.

        Enjoy your long weekend.

    • #14567

      Im doing the same lol.. and having a clear out. You to

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