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    • #5641

      It started with once a month at most now I can’t stopped taking it I am on the verge of loosing everything including my wife ,2 year old daughter ,I am in the middle of a breakdown and I can’t talk to anyone ????

    • #15767

      I hear you Larko. You’re already making a step in the right direction. You’re talking about it with this forum. We’re all in the same boat. You can get through it that’s for sure. Because you have so much to lose, you love your family way more than you love this drug. That’s what you need to hold onto.

      • #15769

        Thanks very much Michelle ,came clean to wife and family and all debts paid but have gone mad this 3 weeks ,was told next time I would be out house etc ,not see child ,can’t keep hiding it , everything is closing in on me ,thanks for your message ????

    • #15768

      Thanks very much Michelle ,came clean to wife and family and all debts paid but have gone mad this 3 weeks ,was told next time I would be out house etc ,not see child ,can’t keep hiding it , everything is closing in on me ,thanks for your message ????

    • #15770

      So please for your sake as much as there’s, Remain completely open. Your wife loves you that’s for sure, you clearly love her and your baby.

      Class this as a rough patch, the fact you’re talking to us on here is a massive step. You came clean to your loved ones also a huge step to a better you. Cocaine is so glorified amongst our peers, and almost normalised. There’s little shame for people to just whip it out at a house party now, I’ve had girls offer me a line in the toilets at a pub. It’s everywhere, but we’re now in a predicament that we never dreamed we would be in. Which proves there is nothing normal about this filthy drug, people brag about sniffing it, would they brag about being on herion, would they heck. Yet it wrecks just as many lives as Herion does, and for me personally it holds the same shame. I had my last line Friday, I say last line because I truly want to stop. How about you and me stop together. I’m gonna treat my kids with the money I save. How about you do the same? Take the Mrs and baby out into town to a museum and then for a meal. With the money you save, you can treat her to a bit of jewellery or send her on a spa day, prove to her and yourself that if you’re gonna waste money, might aswel waste it on stuff you all can benefit from. I’m praying I can quit for good. I hope it all works out for you. Stay focused. Think of what you can lose if you go back to that drug, but then think of what can be gained for never touching it again. You get to keep the two most important people in your life for ever.

      • #15773

        Actually crying here trying to compose myself ,every word you have said has struck a card ,I just hope when I come clean again my wife gives me another chance ,I took cocaine to give me confidence as I lack in that and for no apparent reason and now it has opposite effect I want to see noone ,take it alone etc ,from outside people think I have everything,house ,wife ,child ,manager in job ,played high standard football etc but inside my life is a gutter,and I’m about to fall to my knees x

    • #15775

      Think of the person you were, the person your wife fell in love with, you’re still in there, and you can come back from this. From the outside myself and my friends that are also secret sniffers, also look like the perfect family, no one sees my internal struggle. No one sees me crying in the shower because of the guilt. No one else’s sees it, because it’s our demon we have to be rid of. But the knock on effect it has on our loved ones, that’s my main reason to kick it. I truly believe the fact you’ve come this far, you can and will get better. Honestly.

      • #15776

        Thanks for all you advice and support Michelle ,you have helped me more than u know

    • #15777

      You’re so welcome, I’m here whenever you feel the need to talk.

      • #15778

        Thanks x

      • #15785


        • #15791

          Bless you, to be honest I am too. It comes in waves, so positive yesterday, rough nights sleep and now I’m feeling like shit and down trodden again. I’m here if you need to chat, you’re really not alone

    • #15779

      Same here man I feel ur pain. It doesn’t matter what anybody says. U won’t stop until u stop. Wanting and doing are 2 different things

    • #15781

      Agree mate ,it’s not good at all ,

    • #15789

      My son has lost almost everything he smokes weed and takes cocaine every day. He can hardly function . It’s been 5 years at least. I don’t know this person at times . It’s so sad to see he had the best job and everything to look forward to. All I can say is that I can hear that you want the change, that you realise what it’s doing to your life and that is so important. Once you can see that and admit it that’s so good. My son has said it because it’s something he wants me to believe but unfortunately it’s words he doesn’t mean it yet. I’ve arranged rehab etc but he doesn’t want to admit it yet . So basically what I’m saying is I believe you and I wish you well in your life . You made the important step.

      • #15792

        Bless you, you’re right in what you’re saying. I pray your son is okay soon and with a support network like you I’m sure he will be

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