cocaine addict

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    • #7064


      Im totally devestated that I cant have a relationship with my grown up son. He is always bullying me, his attitude stinks and I fear for his sanity. He has been using cocaine and alcohol for years.

    • #25352

      Hi Catcull,

      Welcome to the Forum where you will find many stories similar to your own, myself included.

      If you have a look at the Theresa thread you will find lots of Mums with Sons who are addicts, some are doing well, others not so good, but as you know this is a very long journey, and it’s like living in hell.

      Your Son will only do things to rectify his addiction when he is ready.

      There are CA and NA meetings on line and depending on where you are some face to face meetings are now open, through these meetings he will meet people who are all in the same boat, he could get himself a sponsor and start working the 12 step programme, which I think really helps them, if they want to get clean and sober.

      Please keep in touch on here and try to have time for yourself, which I know is very hard to do. Nobody judges on here and it’s a great place to be able to share your story.

      Take care.


    • #25355

      Where is the Theresa thread please and thank you for your kind words. I know about addiction and recovery but here i am again with my younger son x

    • #25360

      Hi Catcull, thank you for sharing your story with us. Debc has very kindly given you some good advice. My son also has alcohol and cocaine addictions for around 10 years +.

      I have also been bullied and had to deal with aggressive behaviour in the past. Thankfully, he has joined CA and AA meetings and working through the steps with a sponsor. The fellowship are a great support to him. I don’t get too complacent though, as he’s relapsed in the past too . But I am thankful that he’s trying his very best to make amends.

      Click onto ‘share your story ‘ at the top of the page, then scroll back the pages until you see Theresa thread. I also post there. The mums are all very supportive and kind, and everyone understands each other and no one judges you here.

      First and foremost, take care of yourself and others in the family.

      Sending hugs,


    • #25389

      Thank you Lindyloo

      It’s a terrible thing when you see your son suffering and you can’t reach out to them because they are in a different world. My son’s personality has changed so much. One minute he is nice then he gets abusive for no reason. It seems to me that I have to agree with every thing he says and if I don’t he keeps saying I’m not listening to him and gets nasty. How can any one have a normal relationship like that x

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