Cocaine addict on relapse

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    • #5136

      Hi all

      I cant stop relapsing and I’m just out off hospital yday for I tried to commit suicide and if it wasn’t for my dad coming into my house just at the rite moment I would not be on this! I go to CA but starting to lose hope! Can anyone help me out please!!

    • #11812

      Dear Mikey1991,

      Thank you for reaching out to us. We are so sorry to hear about your issues and the fact you’ve been in hospital. Dealing with addiction and some of the other problems that it brings can be very tough.

      You’ve done the right thing in reaching out on the forum and in attending CA. Please keep going to it as lots of people find it to be of great benefit. You can also ring the Narcotics Anonymous helpline between 10 am and midnight – 0300 999 1212.

      If you ever feel desperate or are taking steps to end your life please contact the Samaritans on 116 123. They provide emotional support over the phone, and they don’t judge or tell you what to do. You can ring any time night or day and it’s a freephone.

      It would also be a good idea to keep in regular contact your GP. It is their job to help when you are feeling as vulnerable as this and they can signpost you to other sources of support.

      There are lots of threads on this forum about cocaine addiction, and relapsing. You may find it helpful to read through these.

      Wishing you all the best from everyone at Adfam. You are not alone.

      Best wishes,

      Adfam Team

    • #11815

      Hi Mikey, I really feel for you. It sounds like you are trying to do something for your addiction but perhaps need some more support. The post above from Adfam offers good advice and if you read some of Danman’s posts he also has good advice. Just wondered if you could move back in with your dad/parents whilst you are in this vulnerable state. Please take care.

    • #11821

      Mikey, keep logged on here.

      If talking isn’t your thing write on here how you are feeling. I’m hoping that you are feeling a little better after your stint in hospital.

      You need to keep keep away from temptations and it’s hard but that includes friends and family that partake in cocaine and alcohol if thats the trigger.

      Danman does have a lot of advise, he’s been there.

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