Cocaine addiction

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      I’ve been with my partner for 12 years he has always used cocaine but when we moved out together over 8 years ago when we had our first child together he never took on responsibility and grew up it continued and it then came more progressing to the point where it was every day I got loans out to help him I have burnt bridges with owing my family money and my whole 20s I never had money he tried to seek help about 4 years ago but decided he could continue on his own after a few sessions which didn’t work it got bad again are realtionship and home life became so bad we were arguing ever day because of it I was depressed he then had an affair with the neighbour telling me he felt unloved and we didn’t get on ( she’s a party girl who uses ) but he begged me to take him back after 3 months and I put some rules in place to try and work on our relationship problems he came back with a £3000 debt ( which I didn’t know about ) and has continued to use i thought maybe it might be the stress off the shame of wot he did to me and have tried to reason with him to stop saying it’s hurting me but he takes my money and uses and excuse I feel he’s not the same person I first met but don’t want to leave him because I know we could have the best happy healthy life but it’s starting to effect my mental health as I feel unwanted and unloved and not good enough when he should be doing wotever it takes I know addiction is hard but I just don’t know where to turn

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